Flanked by legislators, officials with the Colorado Department of Higher Education, 正规的购彩app下载 President Rhonda Epper and Colorado Community College System Chancellor Joe Garcia, Governor Jared Polis announced a bold, new action on Monday 解决科罗拉多州医护人员短缺问题.
The action includes proposed funding for the creation of Colorado’s third medical school, expanded facilities for nursing, expanded and enhanced veterinary medicine training and a new Allied Health facility 在特立尼达州立学院 for workforce 接受各种医疗保健领域的培训. 参与证书法案 预计将在周一下午推出.
“With this plan,” Governor Polis said, “Colorado will train more world-class doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and other health professionals to provide Coloradans with the 他们需要的照顾. From Denver to Fort Collins, Greeley, and Trinidad, these new opportunities will attract students from Colorado and across the country to our communities.
“This will positively impact the local economy and ensure Colorado has the strong healthcare workforce needed to provide care to Coloradans today and in the future. The UNC Medical school we are announcing the funding plan for today will graduate 每年有150多名新医生来帮助我们保持健康. 我感谢我们的大学 presidents and state lawmakers for their partnership on this exciting initiative."
If passed, the bi-partisan Certificate of Participation legislation would make historic investments across the state in four Colorado institutions of higher education to bolster the state’s healthcare workforce and support Colorado’s students and caregivers.
Specifically, the bipartisan legislation would support the College of Osteopathic Medicine at University of Northern Colorado, the Health Institute Tower at Metro State University Denver, the Veterinary Health Education Complex at Colorado State University (CSU), and allocate a $22 million investment in the 谷校园 Building Addition 在特立尼达州立学院.
“Our institutions of higher education are the economic engines for the state,” said 参议员Barb Kirkmeyer. “这项法案对我们的机构进行投资,以继续这项工作 and specifically target our rural areas of the state most in need of additional healthcare 兽医护理专业人员.”
“What’s driving this is the need for human health care workers everywhere, including in the San Luis Valley and rural Colorado,” Governor Polis told the Valley Courier." He continued, "正规的购彩app下载 can be a big part of that solution, especially with the Alamosa campus where the investment will result in graduating 50% more EMTs, 牙科助理、护士和护理助理. 圣路易斯山谷也将受益 from an investment that increases capacity at the state’s only veterinary school at 科罗拉多州立大学的兽医毕业生将增加20%. 我们认为这可能会让鉴证组, now currently ranked as the number two best veterinary school in the nation, rank 在第一名.”
The governor expects that the bi-partisan funding plan will hopefully be ratified by the legislature in April or May, at the latest, and the funds will be available by July with construction of the Allied Health addition projected to take about 18 个月.
“A $22 million investment is a good investment in the San Luis Valley and should bring jobs and greater opportunities for new careers in health care not just today but for 未来的几代人,”波利斯说.
In speaking to the Valley Courier, 正规的购彩app下载’s President Epper provided 一些背景导致了今天的声明.
“The main building on the 谷校园 was built in 1936 as an elementary school,” she said, “and it doesn’t function well as a place for higher 学习 and career 进步. The Health Sciences Building has been in very poor condition for a long time. 单窗格窗户,糟糕的暖通空调系统,漏水的屋顶.
“We put a plan together about three years ago and it’s gone through the [Colorado 立法机构的资本发展进程. 这座建筑是L形的 and the area where the courtyard is will be enclosed and will contain a one-stop place 对于有更好入口的学生. 我们要整合联合医疗大楼 into the Main Building with the old Allied Health Building slated for demolition once 项目完成.”
埃珀补充说,这不是一个新项目. “我们在首都开发项目之前就开始了 Committee twice before and we’ve ranked pretty high in the community college program, but we have to compete with other four year higher education for funding.
“我们是四个项目中最小的一个. 但是因为我们已经有了一个经过批准的建筑 plan with the committee, we were chosen, and I’m just thrilled because it gives us 获得资金的更好机会. 我也很高兴他们认可了 need to include rural Colorado in the workforce solution to the healthcare crisis.”
Epper went on to say, “This renovation will help leverage the dollars coming into the Valley through the Opportunity Now partnership grant, which is helping to support TSC推出了晚间和周末护理服务. 正规的购彩app下载这个的公告 格兰特几周后就会来."
Epper said that Senator Simpson, who sits on the Capital Development Committee, has 表达了对这个项目的支持.